Thursday, June 30, 2005

It's all right here in Christopher Robin's book.

Brighton has discovered Winnie the Pooh (which he used to pronounce as 'pee pah poo'). He sings Pooh songs and likes to eat honey on his waffles now.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I have a cadeau for you!

Brighton was so excited -- he had drawn on the wrapping paper. Yesterday, we had friends over and Brighton nearly burst with excitement over the candle in the brownies.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Well, the lumber bridge is falling down, ...

"... falling down, falling down; my favorite lumber bridge is falling down, my favorite lady."

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Can you snore some more?

Brighton thinks snoring sounds funny. Daddy, it seems, is hilarious.

Monday, June 20, 2005

The moon and stars are flushed away

Brigthon can normally see the moon outside my window, but this morning it was cloudy. He associates flushing with making things dissappear.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Can Kennie have some blanket?

Recently, rather than waking me up right away, Brighton crawls into bed with me, squeezes my hand and we say "I love you" back and forth. Very sweet. Today, he brought Kennie, which is his stuffed penguin companion. His name is Kennie, because Brighton used to pronounce 'penguin' as 'kyinny'.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The tower was all a mess.

Brighton delivered this line at the top of his lungs, vigorously waving one arm back and forth to describe the chaos and how upsetting the mess was. He's very neat for a three-year old and gets bothered by Aiden's messes, though he manages to overlook some of his own creation.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Let's put a thnow trow on Gordon.

'Thnow trow' is how Brighton pronounces snow plow, which is one of the parts of a steam engine that he knows. He loves to point out the snow plow on engines.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

You want to sing a imagination game?

"That's right, imagination game."

I'm not sure which show this comes from (maybe from Brighton's imagination?). It might be from the Quiet Time video which has lots of ideas for things to do during quiet time. It sounds like something Elmo might suggest because Elmo has a big imagination and sings an imagination song in The Best of Elmo. Anyway, I don't know the song but figured I could fake it along with him, so I told him "yes, I want to sing a imagination game." And he said, "okay, do it."

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

You want to be a big kid?

Brighton is gradually becoming potty trained and all the videos and books make a big deal about how "big kids" use the potty. He is very excited whenever he pees on the potty.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The hail made a crack ... right there in the track!

This is the main conflict that Thomas faces in A Crack in the Track which is Brighton's favorite book for the last two weeks. He got it from the library, which he loves. He calls it the "localibary" because several of his truck videos end with "... and you can find out more about garbage trucks at your local library".